MOTK Podcast Episode #2: The Beginnings and Origin of MOTK

Dive into the inspiring origins of Men of the King in episode 2 of the podcast, as host Daryn Crawford sits down with Chris Berton, the visionary founder behind the movement. This episode offers a rare glimpse into Chris’s personal journey and the pivotal moments that led to the creation of Men of the King. Listen as they discuss the challenges, triumphs, and the profound mission that propels this community forward. Perfect for men seeking motivation and a deeper sense of purpose within the Christian faith, this story of faith, perseverance, and brotherhood is sure to inspire. Tune in to discover the heart and soul behind Men of the King, and how it’s changing lives one episode at a time.

In the swirling mists of time, when legends were forged in the fires of childhood dreams, there existed a realm where heroes roamed freely.** As the winds of destiny swept through the corridors of imagination, one truth stood unyielding: the call to heroism echoed in the hearts of boys, a primal anthem that resonated through the ages.


Amidst the echoes of the ’80s and ’90s, my brothers and I were not mere mortals. We were Luke Skywalker and his band of rebels, wielding lightsabers and blasters against the darkness of the evil Galactic Empire. We were Snake Eyes and Duke, leading our G.I. Joes into battle against the nefarious Cobra forces. The pulse of heroism beat within us, a symphony of courage and valor.


But in the shadows of the modern age, a sinister deception slithers, poisoning the very essence of manhood. The noble spirit of heroes past is shackled by the chains of scorn, branded as toxic and antiquated. Even within ourselves lies a dormant lethargy, a temptation to surrender to the ease of complacency.


Yet, amidst the clamor of doubt, a voice calls out—a clarion call to arms reverberating through the corridors of time. As the curtain rises on this tale, the chronicles of David’s mighty men beckon from the annals of history. In their valorous deeds lie the secrets of ages past, waiting to be unveiled. Why are they remembered? What lessons can they impart to the sons of today’s world? How do their exploits resonate in the tapestry of our lives?


Behold Josheb-Basshebeth, whose spear danced with death, facing 800 adversaries in a single breath. In his might, we glimpse the visage of formidable foes, and in his shadow, we discern the silhouette of our own potential. For as men, we are called to be formidable—not only in battle but in the mastery of our crafts, the guardianship of our families, and the fervent pursuit of spiritual truth.


And then there was Eleazar, whose grip on his sword was as unyielding as his resolve. Let his tale be a beacon, guiding us to grasp firmly the sword of the Spirit, that we may vanquish the darkness threatening to engulf our souls. With eyes turned to Shammah, who stood alone against the tide, defending a plot of land no bigger than a whisper, let his defiance be our own as we refuse to yield even the smallest inch to the encroaching shadows of deceit.


In the saga of Abishai, we witness the ascent of a leader whose spear sang the song of victory over 300 adversaries. For leadership is the mantle bestowed upon man—to guide, protect, and inspire those entrusted to his care. And in the fearless stride of Benaiah, who chased a lion into the jaws of death itself, we find our courage unmasked. Let his example embolden us to confront the beasts lurking in the caverns of our fear, armed with the certainty that the Almighty marches alongside us.


But heed this, brethren: we were never meant to tread this path alone. As the mighty men stood shoulder to shoulder, so too must we forge bonds of brotherhood. For in unity lies our strength. And as the tales of valor unfold, let us remember this: the glory belongs not to the swordsman but to the hand that guides his blade. For in the end, it is not by our might but by the grace of the Divine that victory is won.


Thus, as the curtain falls on this epic prologue, let the drums of destiny echo in the chamber of our hearts. For we are the sons of heroes, heirs of the legacy written in the stars.


Daryn: Welcome to the Men of the King podcast. I’m your host, Darren Crawford. On today’s episode, we talk with Chris Burton, the founder of Men of the King.


**Chris Burton:** It just kind of hit me this year that this is something good. There’s a good following, and I’ve been talking about starting a podcast. I thought this would be the perfect platform.


Daryn: Absolutely. Thank you for having me. It’s always a pleasure to see you after the work week and be able to do something like this. We’re here on a Saturday, so it’s No Shave Saturday. I was thinking my wife might ask why I didn’t shave, but hey, it’s Saturday.


Chris: It is a podcast for men, so that makes sense. Every Saturday is No Shave Saturday for me. Men of the King was born out of a troubling time in my life. I grew up in church and carried that faith into my adult life. I never really questioned a lot of things; I just believed because it was how I was raised. But as you get into your adult life and have kids of your own, you begin to think about why you believe what you do.


For me, that realization hit later in life than for most. The focus shifted from “What can I get out of God?” to “What can I do for God?” The reality that He gave me life and put me on this planet for a purpose became clear. February of 2020, COVID hit, and we started working remotely. The seclusion challenged a lot of people, including me. I found myself sinking into some darkness. Later that year, in May, I had a stroke. It was a tough time, but I wouldn’t change a thing.


Daryn: It’s interesting you say that, considering how hard it was.


Chris: Absolutely. It was a rough few months. I was fearful, but I needed something. During that time, I heard a motivational speaker who said, “Be to somebody what you need.” That resonated with me. I needed something and wasn’t seeing it out there, so I decided to be it. That’s when I started Men of the King in March of 2021. I began using some of the skills you taught me, like Photoshop and graphic design, to create motivational content.


At first, not all of it was really Christian because my mind was all over the place. But I kept doing it consistently, and before I knew it, we had over 10,000 followers. But then I faced some attacks and fell out of the habit. That’s when I reached out to you and a few other guys I felt had the spiritual foundation and were manly men who could link with me. You came on board, and you’ve breathed fresh life into this thing. Since you’ve joined, we’ve grown from a little over 10,000 followers to just over 11,000.


Daryn: That’s awesome. So, what’s your hope for Men of the King?


Chris: My hope is for men to realize they are valuable and put on this earth for a reason. I want to see them step up and step into that role. I want to provide a place for brothers to come together, encourage each other, and build a community. When men are in their proper roles, you’ll see improvements in their families, jobs, and overall performance. I want men to be at their max performance.


Daryn: Absolutely. And you know, there’s an old saying: “So goes the man, so goes the family, so goes the church, so goes society.” God has ordained a certain order, and when things are in order, they go well. When they’re dysfunctional, they don’t. We need to recognize our need for each other. Men of the King should be about building strong communities of men who encourage and mentor each other.


Chris: Exactly. No matter where you are—faith, no faith, political party, no political party—if you’re a man, you’re invited to the table. We can do great things together. We have more in common than we don’t. My goal is to provide a safe place for men to come together and work together.


Daryn: Absolutely. Well, Chris, thank you for sharing. We covered a lot today. Any closing thoughts?


Chris: Just remember that wherever you look, there’s something trying to divide us. I want Men of the King to be a place that brings us together. When we come together, we’ll see change in the world, in our families, and in our communities. I’m excited to be a part of it.


Daryn: Thanks again, Chris. And thank you, everyone, for listening. Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our podcast and check us out at Until next time, men, go serve your King.

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