What Men Meant for Evil

Genesis 50:20 (ESV): As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.

After the death of their father, Joseph’s brothers feared retribution for their crimes against him.  Years earlier his brothers had betrayed him out of jealousy and sold him into slavery.  While Joseph had suffered wrongly for many years in slavery and in Pharoahs prison, Joseph knew that Yahweh had been with him the entire time.  God had orchestrated everything from his slavery to his eventual promotion to second in command answering only to Pharoah.

His response reveals that even though there was wicked intent behind the events that brought him to egypt, God was still sovereign in bringing about His purposes in the life of Joseph.  Yes, it was a result of wicked men but it was also the result of Gods sovereign rule.  The brothers were still responsible for their own actions but God and His purposes were also responsible.  The difference was the intent.  Joseph’s brothers intended evil.  God intended good, not only the good of Joseph, but also the good of his brothers and the good many others in that region affected by the famine.

The story of Joseph points to the greater Joseph, Jesus Christ.  The cross echoes Joseph’s response to his brothers, what was intended as evil by wicked men, God was also actively orchestrating it for our good.

It was certainly a wicked thing that through Jealousy the religious leaders sought to kill Christ.  It was evil that Judas agreed to betray his close friend.  It was weak and cowardly for Pilate to give in to the crowd and the Jewish council to deliver Christ to the cross when he himself could find no fault.  It was faithless and fearful for the Peter to deny and the disciples to scatter.  

You can clearly see that it was a conspiracy of wickedness that led to the crucifixion of Christ Jesus.  However, it was also the good God of the universe that was orchestrating it all for our good.  Isaiah said he would be led to the slaughter, tried as a criminal and that he wouldn’t open his mouth. The Psalmist foretold that Christ would be betrayed by a close friend.  Zechariah foretold that the shepherd would be stricken and that the sheep would scatter.

The point, while it was the actions of evil men, there was an ancient script that they were following, although not intentionally.  Paul said that Christ died in accordance with the scriptures!

Ultimately we all have a hand in the cross because it is our sins that made the cross necessary.  Praise God that he takes the evil actions of men and submits them to his will and purposes.  He does all of this for our good!

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